Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Are you happy?

A Strange Question But Should Be Easy To Answer.

Are you happy? That should be an easy question, some people say no, some people say yes. It's a question that has deeper meaning. Just think. This blog may be about the mental stability of a teenager but this mentally let say stable today is going real deep. No innuendo intended.

If the answer to the question above is no, then that's ok i've learnt. It's ok to feel a bit down, although the ideal mood is being happy, sometimes you have to go through a rough patch before you get the good. 

I often ask myself that question. Why? 1) So I can test my mental stability and if bad or weird answer I can write a blog 2) To find the deeper meaning. This question has a weird sense to it, it should be easy to say but how and in what ways or you/aren't happy.

If you are happy, please go away from this blog thinking of what you are happy about, it could just be that you are happy about your friends. If the answer to my question is no, then think of all the ways in which you can improve that, what in your life is there to say that you can't be happy, everyone in the world needs happiness, believe it or not but even you grumpy Mum needs happiness. So go on find it...

Anyway since i'm ill I haven't let my brain get mad, but i'm ready give me a topic to research and I will get mad for you. If you have any questions or need help you can always contact me for a bias opinion at - itgoesnomanomanom on instagram. I don't go outside so i'm free as a tree.

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